我国增材制造技术与产业发展研究 您所在的位置:网站首页 先进制造进展 SCI 我国增材制造技术与产业发展研究


2023-12-04 22:10| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

[ 1 ] 卢秉恒‍ . 增材制造技术——现状与未来 [J]. 中国机械工程 , 2020 , 31 1 : 19 ‒ 23 . Lu B H. Additive manufacturing: Current situation and future [J]. China Mechanical Engineering, 2020, 31(1): 19‒23. Chinse.

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[ 4 ] 左世全 . 中国战略性新兴产业研究与发展·增材制造 [M]. 北京 : 机械工业出版社 , 2021 . Zuo S Q. R & D of China’s strategic new industries: Additive manufacturing [M]. Beijing: China Machine Press, 2021. Chinse.

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[ 8 ] Fang Y C, Guo Y Z, Liu T K, et al. Advances in 3D bioprinting [J]. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering: Additive Manufacturing Frontiers, 2022, 1(1), 16‒30.

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[12] 廉艳平 , 王潘丁 , 高杰 , 等 . 金属增材制造若干关键力学问题研究进展 [J]. 力学进展 , 2021 , 51 3 : 648 ‒ 701 . Lian Y P, Wang P D, Gao J, et al. Fundamental mechanics problems in metal additive manufacturing: A state-of-art review [J]. Advances in Mechanics, 2021, 51(3): 648‒701. Chinse.

[13] Arif Z U, Khalid M Y K, Rehman E, et al. A review on laser cladding of high-entropy alloys, their recent trends and potential applications [J]. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2021, 68: 225‒273.

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[15] 卢秉恒 , 侯颖 , 张建勋 . 增材制造国家标准体系建设与发展规划 [J]. 金属加工冷加工 , 2022 , 4 10 : 1 ‒ 4 . Lu B H, Hou Y, Zhang J X. Construction and development planning of national standard system for additive manufacturing [J]. Metal Working (Metal Cutting), 2022, 4(10): 1‒4. Chinse.

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[17] 中国工程科技2035发展战略研究项目组 . 中国工程科技2035发展战略研究——技术路线图卷 [M]. 北京 : 电子工业出版社 , 2020 . Project Group of China Engineering Science and Technology 2035 Development Strategy Research. Research on the development strategy of China engineering science and technology in 2035: Technology roadmap volume [M]. Beijing: Publishing House of Electronics Industry, 2020. Chinse.

[18] Tian X Y, Wu L L, Gu D D, et al. Roadmap for additive manufacturing: Toward intellectualization and industrialization [J]. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering: Additive Manufacturing Frontiers, 2022, 1(1): 31‒45.

[19] 卢秉恒 , 李涤尘 , 王磊 . 增材制造前沿技术——增材制造技术专利分析 [M]. 北京 : 机械工业出版社 , 2022 . Lu B H, Li D C, Wang L. Frontier technology of additive manufacturing: Patent of additive manufacturing technology [M]. Beijing: China Machine Press, 2022. Chinse.

[20] 孙毅 , 罗穆雄 . 美国智能制造的发展及启示 [J]. 中国科学院院刊 , 2021 , 36 11 : 1316 ‒ 1325 . Sun Y, Luo M X. Development and enlightenment of American intelligent manufacturing [J]. Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2021, 36(11): 1316‒1325. Chinse.

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[23] 郭绍庆 , 刘伟 , 黄帅 , 等 . 金属激光增材制造技术发展研究 [J]. 中国工程科学 , 2020 , 22 3 : 56 ‒ 62 . Guo S Q, Liu W, Huang S, et al. Development of laser additive manufacturing technology for metals [J]. Strategic Study of CAE, 2020, 22(3): 56‒62. Chinse.

[24] 杨冰 , 廖贞 , 吴圣川 , 等 . 增材制造技术发展和在先进轨道交通装备中的应用展望 [J]. 交通运输工程学报 , 2021 , 21 1 : 132 ‒ 153 . Yang B, Liao Z, Wu S C, et al. Development of additive manufacturing technology and its application prospect in advanced rail transit equipment [J]. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2021, 21(1): 132‒153. Chinse.

[25] 许冠南 , 方梦媛 , 周源 . 新兴产业政策与创新生态系统演化研究——以增材制造产业为例 [J]. 中国工程科学 , 2020 , 22 2 : 108 ‒ 119 . Xu G N, Fang M Y, Zhou Y. Evolution of innovation ecosystem and policy for an emerging industry: A case of additive manufacturing industry [J]. Strategic Study of CAE, 2020, 22(2): 108‒119. Chinse.






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